Information Technology and the Labor Market OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Information Technology Course by MIT

Published Jan 29, 2009

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Through 'Information Technology and the Labor Market,' a free OpenCourseWare offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), students examine how information technology (IT) is influencing various aspects of the U.S. labor market. This course is beneficial to undergraduate or graduate students and offered through the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning.

Information Technology and the Labor Market: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Information Technology and the Labor Market: Course Description

Students using this free OpenCourseWare first learn three simple lessons, including that all work done by humans involves the processing of information, computers can process some types of information better than others and computers can both replace and complement human labor. With this knowledge in hand, students analyze the impact of IT on the organization of work and distribution of wages in the United States.

They explore how a mix of occupations skills has been reshaped by IT. The course also covers how the use of computers has affected labor productivity throughout the U.S. economy. Professor Frank Levy leads this course, which is offered through the Urban Studies and Planning department at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

A list of required readings, lecture notes, assignments and solutions and midterm and final exam materials are available for free online. If you're interested in taking this course, visit the Information Technology and the Labor Market course page.