Engineering Ethics OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Class on Engineering Ethics

Published Jan 27, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers this OpenCourseWare titled 'Engineering Ethics'; the materials from this OpenCourseWare come from the actual MIT course of the same name. The graduate course is designed for all engineering disciplines and introduces the theoretical underpinnings of engineering ethics as well as ethics in practice in the real world of engineering through case studies.

Engineering Ethics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes Yes No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Engineering Ethics: Course Description

This course discusses the theory of engineering ethics and examines real-world case studies. The theory portion looks at past philosophers who shaped the field of ethics and their theories while the case study portion looks at recent engineering disasters. Specific topics include ethical terminology, ethical codes, engineering leadership, case study methodology and engineering philosophy fundamentals among other topics. In addition, multiple case studies are examined, such as the challenger, Chernobyl, and Ford Pinto cases. The course is multi-disciplinary and applies to all fields of engineering. The actual graduate MIT course is taught by Dr. Taft Broome in a lecture-style format.

This OpenCourseWare includes audio lectures, links to course readings and additional readings. If you're interested in taking this free course, visit the ethics of engineering course page.

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