Comparative Health Policy OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Political Science Course on Healthcare Policy by MIT

Published Feb 27, 2009

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'Comparative Health Policy' is an undergraduate course from MIT, available online in an OpenCourseWare format. This political science course looks at health care policy in the U.S. and the various problems that need to be solved.

Comparative Health Policy: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Comparative Health Policy: Course Description

Professor Harvey Sapolsky examines how America's health care system works in the course 'Comparative Health Policy.' This bachelor level political science course helps students evaluate health care policy and the problems facing America's health care system because of those policies.

Among the major themes are access to health care, cost control and quality assurance. Sapolsky also looks at how America's health policies compare to other countries and how Americans can look to other countries' systems to improve their own.

In addition, students study major risks to health, such as smoking, They investigate company and political influences that cloud a person perception of such risks. This lecture course also highlights the limitations encountered by the American system of health care.

The course is made up of a detailed reading list, lecture notes, sample exams and a list of resources. To learn more about MIT's health policy course, visit the course page.

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