Calculus for Engineers OpenCourseWare: A Free Advanced Bachelor Level Calculus Class for Engineering Students by MIT

Published Feb 14, 2009

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'Advanced Calculus for Engineers' is a free online course offered by MIT. This OpenCourseWare class is for graduate students who have had experience in advanced mathematics. The course covers residue calculus and complex variable functions.

Advanced Calculus for Engineers: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Advanced Calculus for Engineers: Course Description

Taught by MIT Professor John Bush and Dr. Dionisios Margetis, 'Advanced Calculus for Engineers' is a graduate-level course for Mathematics students who are working on master's degrees. Topics include complex functions, analytic functions, the Frobenius method, Bessel functions and Fourier series. Also examined is the residue theorem, an important method used for analyzing line integrals. This course's material is best suited for graduate students who have already taken an advanced-level course in differential equations.

Course materials available online include handouts, problems with solutions, lecture notes, practice tests and exams with solutions. If you're interested in this OpenCourseWare class, visit the engineering calculus course page.