Autism Theory and Technology OpenCourseWare: Free Online Graduate Level Course by MIT on Autism Theory and Technology

Published Jan 06, 2009

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Explore the uses of technology to study and treat autism in this free OpenCourseWare from MIT. 'Autism Theory and Technology' examines the unique challenges faced by people with autism and how students can develop new technologies to improve their lives, from early detection to improved tools of communication, including assistive technology and social technology. This graduate-level course is suited for students interested in psychology and computer science, as well as the medical and social applications of autism technology.

Autism Theory and Technology: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Autism Theory and Technology: Course Description

Autism spectrum disorders affect a rapidly growing segment of the population. In 2007, the Center for Disease Control (CDC),, estimated that at least 1 in 150 children were autistic. Many autistic individuals struggle with the basic tasks of social and emotional communication that most of us take for granted. In 'Autism Theory and Technology,' students will learn how technology can be used to treat autism and improve the lives of those diagnosed with the disorder. Instructors will explore tools that can foster social and emotional communication, such as assistive technology and social technology. Both supplement and improve users' relationship and living skills. While studying the development of new technologies, students will also learn the fundamental cognitive and behavioral theories and methods used to understand and treat autism spectrum disorders. 'Autism Theory and Technology' is highly recommended for students pursuing master's or doctoral work in psychology or computer science. This lecture-based course is taught by MIT Professors Rosalind Picard, Cynthia Breazeal, Sherry Turkle and Dr. Rana el Kaliouby.

Course materials, including lectures, notes and study materials, are available on the course website and for download. If you're interested in taking this free course, visit the autism theory and technology course page.

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