Language Acquisition OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Biological Sciences Course on Language Acquisition by MIT

Published Feb 03, 2009

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When a child starts to learn a language, what is it that he or she actually knows? Linguists have long studied how language begins, how it acquires its structure and how it morphs over time. In 'Language Acquisition,' through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseWare, Cognitive Science or Linguistics students at MIT or anywhere else can find out how humans learn to communicate through the development of a complex structure called language.

Language Acquisition: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Language Acquisition: Course Description

In this Bachelor of Science in Brain and Cognitive Sciences course from MIT, students study how human beings gain their first language skills. Through the examination of previous research, they consider how words develop from various sounds and how sentences are formed when multiple words are combined. Course participants learn how words can create or change meaning depending on their place within the structure of a sentence and how multiple sentences become human communication. Taught by Professor Ken Wexler in a lecture format, this course about cognitive development and linguistics is an intense introduction to the study of the rules, patterns and structure of language development. To get the most out of this class, some previous experience in language acquisition study would be helpful.

This Brain and Cognitive Development course includes a foundational reading list, example questions and answers to sets of problems, downloadable review study materials and translations into Portuguese and Spanish. To learn more about this linguistics and neuroscience class, visit this language development course page.

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