Unified Engineering OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level General Engineering Course by MIT

Published Jan 26, 2009

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'Unified Engineering I, II, III and IV' seeks to present five engineering disciplines in a unified format in order to illustrate how these disciplines interact within the field of Aerospace Engineering. The OpenCourseWare for this course is offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is geared towards undergraduate students earning a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Unified Engineering I, II, III and IV: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Unified Engineering I, II, III and IV: Course Description

The field of Aerospace Engineering often requires the combined application of various engineering disciplines to solve systems problems. The 'Unified Engineering I, II, III and IV' MIT OpenCourseWare presents the commonalities amongst these disciplines and how they might apply to Aerospace Engineering. Undergraduate students learn to recognize how even small changes can have a huge impact on the overall system. The following five disciplines - computers and programming, fluid mechanics, materials and structures, signals and systems and thermodynamics and propulsion - are explored through readings, lecture notes and problem sets. Video introductions featuring Professors Ian Waitz and Charles Coleman explain the concept behind the unified approach. This course is ideal for students pursuing a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Problem sets with solutions, systems problems, quizzes, readings and lecture notes, concept questions, featured lecture videos, suggestions for related resources and videos of student projects are available for download with this free OpenCourseWare. For more information or to learn more, visit the unified engineering course page.

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