Principles of Computer Systems OpenCourseWare: Free Graduate Level Introduction to Computer Systems Course by MIT

Published Jan 05, 2009

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MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Programming Department offers the course 'Principles of Computer Systems' to students pursuing a masters degree concentrating in Computer Systems and Architecture Engineering. The course is also available free through MIT's OpenCourseWare program. 'Principles of Computer Systems' OpenCourseWare provides a graduate level introduction to the basics of computer systems looking specifically at rigorous techniques used to help in the comprehension and construction of present day computer systems.

Principles of Computer Systems: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Principles of Computer Systems: Course Description

OpenCourseWare 'Principles of Computer Systems' is an introduction to the fundamentals of computer systems. It is geared towards builders and designers of computer systems and individuals who truly want to know how computer systems operate, particularly fault tolerant, distributed and concurrent systems. Students learn to write exact specifications for computer systems of any kind and what 'coding to fulfill a specification' means. Topics covered include file systems, performance, naming and persistent storage. The course also covers three types of transactions - sequential, concurrent and distributed as well as networks, replication and caching. Students in the original course used Spec, a formal, high level language, to write code and specs. Professors Butler Lampson and Martin Rinard were instructors of the original course given in a lecture-style format. MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department offered this graduate course.

Materials included in the OpenCourseWare version of 'Principles of Computer Systems' include a syllabus, providing course information, downloadable lecture notes and assignments with solutions and a calendar. If you would like to build your own computer, then please visit the computer systems principles course page.

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