Mechanics and Materials I OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Course by MIT on the Mechanics of Solids

Published Jan 29, 2009

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'Mechanics and Materials I' is an OpenCourseWare offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This course studies the physical laws, mathematical concepts and computer-generated algorithms that are used by engineers and scientist to predict how materials will respond to mechanical and thermal loading. Undergraduate students, including those earning bachelor's degrees in Engineering, Physics or Mathematics can benefit from this course.

Mechanics and Materials I: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Mechanics and Materials I: Course Description

The mechanical properties of solid materials are applicable to structural, materials, civil and aerospace engineering. Mechanics is the process of using mathematical computations to describe the behavior of solid materials when subjected to loading. Professor Carol Livermore, of MIT, the lecturer for 'Mechanics and Materials,' examines the mechanics of solids under external forces, including strain, deformation, and flow. The lectures are centered around the three characteristics inherent in all mechanical analysis, the deformation, geometric fit and geometry of motion, internal and external forces that influence structures and the physical aspects of the structural system which quantify relations between the forces and motions. The course allows students to study case studies and current research, as well as theory. Students will learn the concepts underlying the mechanics of solids by covering a variety of topics, including friction, multi-axial stresses and the application of equilibrium equations. Students will also study torsion, energy methods, loading and material properties, shear force and bending moment diagrams.

The materials for this course consist of lecture notes and an assignment list, both available as PDF files. There is also a reading list based on the required text. If you are interested in taking this course, visit the mechanics and materials course page.

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