Finance Degree Review - MBA Degree Info

Published Jan 09, 2007

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A degree in Finance will teach you about functioning in an accounting office and educate you in tax laws. With a MBA degree in accounting you will find employment in accounting firms or with the public and private sectors of businesses.

Summary of the Finance Degree Program

In a MBA degree program focusing on Finance you will specialize in business enterprises, banking, or in credit management. In a career as a skilled Financial Consultant you will assist clients in money management, investments and budgeting. You will become a leader in applying advanced portfolio management techniques and fund acquisition principles in a business environment. The study of capital planning will be the foundation for your success.

Specific Skills You Will Learn

As a Financial professional you will be responsible for auditing, budget analysis, financial planning, knowing tax law and being able to work within the IT field. Your coursework will not be specialized, rather, it will cover a wide range of topics within the financial industry. You will learn how to manage databases, file income tax returns, and be able to advise clients on how to get the most from their assets. Part of your education will be spent in learning how to lead and communicate with customers and subordinates.

Typical Coursework

Though coursework will vary depending on the college you choose, common areas of study in a Finance degree program include:

  • Financial Risk Management
  • Portfolio Management and Security Analysis
  • Fixed Income Analysis
  • Real Estate and Urban Land Economics

Career Related Information

Career Fields You Will Be Prepared to Enter

With a MBA degree in Finance you will seek a leadership position in the field of Financial Management. You may choose to work abroad, being a liaison between a variety of global financial markets. Part of your duties as a Financial Manager domestically or internationally will include risk management, insurance, and commercial banking.

Occupational Outlook For Finance Degrees Including Salary Information

In choosing to earn a degree in Finance you will be entering into a highly skilled and demanding career. Future finance graduates working on a global or international level will be recognized as industry leaders. According to, the national annual median wage for a Director of Financial Planning and Analysis varies from $103,644 to $145,888. Your salary will depend on the size of the company and region in which you are employed. According to, careers in finance continue to grow.

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