Economics and World History OpenCourseWare: WGU's Free Undergraduate Course on World Economics and History

Published Feb 08, 2009

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Western Governors University offers 'Economics and World History as a free OpenCourseWare. The course is divided into studies of specific eras and the impacts these eras and their events had upon economic theory and economic markets. Undergraduate-level students interested in Economics, World History and related fields are encouraged to take advantage of this online learning experience.

Economics and World History: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Economics and World History: Course Description

WGU'S 'Economics and World History' OpenCourseWare is a thorough journey through the topics of the economic progress of Eastern and Western civilizations. Students will study the history of international markets. In addition the course focuses on the effects of war upon world economics and history, as well as the contributions that ancient civilizations made to modern economic theory and practice. This undergraduate-level course will take most students about five weeks to complete.

Twelve modules and lessons make up the online course materials.

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