Modeling Displacements and Velocities OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Undergraduate Math and Statistics Course
The free OpenCourseWare 'Modelling Displacements and Velocities is offered online by The Open University. Students who complete this course should be able to perform mathematical operations on vectors. This class is intended for students studying Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering and related fields.
Modelling Displacements and Velocities Course Specifics:
Degree Level | Free | Audio | Video | Downloads |
Undergraduate | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Lectures/Notes | Study Materials | Tests/Quizzes |
Yes | Yes | No |
Modelling Displacements and Velocities Course Description:
The Open University's Mathematics and Statistics Department offers 'Modelling Displacements and Velocities,' a free OpenCourseWare. During this course, students will learn about the use of vector techniques in velocity and displacement. This course will help students learn how to convert vectors from geometric to component forms. In addition, students will study the components of vectors, vector mathematics and other vector-related subjects. The course makes use of real-world applications of vectors to help students understand the value of vector mathematics, conversions and calculations. Students should expect to devote three hours to the completion of this undergraduate-level unit.
Course materials include online unit notes, a discussion forum and a collection of class exercises. To download course materials, or to learn more, visit the displacement and velocity modeling course page.
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