Introduction to Numerical Methods OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Linear Algebra Course
'Introduction to Numerical Methods,' a free course offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduces you to numerical linear algebra. This OpenCourseWare from MIT is suited to graduate students in computer science or electrical engineering.
Introduction to Numerical Methods: Course Specifics
Degree Level | Free | Audio | Video | Downloads |
Graduate | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Lectures/Notes | Study Materials | Tests/Quizzes |
Yes | Yes | Yes |
Introduction to Numerical Methods: Course Description
This OpenCourseWare from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an advanced introduction to numerical linear algebra. The subjects you will learn about include the singular value decomposition, the QR factorization, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization, least squares problems, conditioning and stability, the QR algorithm, the conjugate gradients algorithm, and linear algebra software. Dr. Per-Olof Persson teaches this free MIT graduate-level course. Some knowledge of MATLAB is required to complete the homework assignments.
This OpenCourseWare about numerical methods includes lecture notes, homework assignments, review problems and solutions, and exams and solutions. If you are interested in taking this free course, visit the numerical methods course page.
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