Integer Program Combination Optimization OpenCourseWare: Free Graduate Level Course by MIT on Integer Optimization

Published Jan 20, 2009

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'Integer Program Combination Optimization' is a free graduate-level OpenCourseWare offered by MIT that focuses on the theory and practice of writing more efficient optimization algorithms. The course is intended for business management professionals who wish to obtain a better understanding of integer programming topics.

Integer Program Combination Optimization: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Integer Program Combination Optimization: Course Description

'Integer Program Combination Optimization' is a graduate-level course that will appeal to business management professionals who have excellent computer skills. The course consists of 25 lectures based on the theories, algorithms and uses of algebraic and geometric integer optimization. The course also focuses on algorithm creation and discusses extensions of integer algorithms. Professor Dimitris Bertsimas of the MIT Sloan School of Management teaches the course. This course is mathematically intense and is recommended for students who have a strong background in complex algebra and advanced mathematics. The textbook Optimization over Integers is recommended for purchase.

A series of recitations and lecture notes that compliment the text are available online. Other free online resources include homework assignments, exams and lecture notes. If you're interested in taking this free graduate-level management course, visit the integer optimization course page.

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