History of Media and Technology OpenCourseWare: Free Online Graduate Level Music History Course by MIT
Explore how the interplay between media and technology led to the development of avant-garde sound over the past century with this OpenCourseWare from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 'History of Media and Technology: Sound, the Minority Report' incorporates theory and practice into a progressive course culminating in multimedia projects. This master's degree level seminar is geared toward students with a foundation in media studies or music theory.
History of Media and Technology: Sound, the Minority Report -- Radical Music of the Past 100 Years (CMS 876): Course Specifics
Degree Level | Free | Audio | Video | Downloads |
Graduate | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Lectures/Notes | Study Materials | Tests/Quizzes |
No | Yes | No |
History of Media and Technology: Sound, the Minority Report -- Radical Music of the Past 100 Years (CMS 876): Course Description
The 'History of Media and Technology' seminar series at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explores the entanglement of scientific advancement and human communication. This installment, 'Sound, the Minority Report,' focuses on the electronic and avant-garde music of the last century and the impact of technology on music and sound recording since the early 20th century. Some class materials from this media studies seminar are available free online. Students receive practical and academic appreciation of digital and analog methods of production and recording. Academic discussion centers on group analysis of assigned listening from cutting-edge musicians such as John Cage and Afrika Bambaataa, as well as theoretical questions like the dual role of sound as entertainment and communications medium. New applications of sound design, such as video game music and movie sound design using the latest software, are also explored through class discussion and interactive projects. The seminar balances theoretical components, including lecture by MIT Professor Beth Coleman and guest lecturers, with hands-on components building to student multimedia projects. 'Sound, the Minority Report' is part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's master's degree program in comparative media studies.
This OpenCourseWare includes readings and reading lists as well as video and audio downloads. If you are interested in taking this free seminar, visit the media and history technology course page.
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