Dynamics and Vibration OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Course by MIT
This OpenCourseWare,'Dynamics and Vibration,' is offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The course is an introduction to the roles of dynamics and vibrations in mechanical systems. Students enrolled in engineering degree programs, including the Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, will find this undergraduate-level information helpful. Prior calculus coursework is recommended for students interested in this course.
Dynamics and Vibration: Course Description
The field of engineering encompasses many sub-disciplines, including civil, ocean and mechanical engineering. In each area there are challenging dynamics and vibration problems linked to the design of structures and systems. This free course 'Dynamics and Vibration,' investigates the subject of dynamics and vibration in lumped-parameter models and with an emphasis on mechanical systems. Lumped-parameter models are simple mathematical analysis or representations of physical systems. The prerequisites for the course includes calculus and ordinary differential equations, computer and engineering problem solving, mechanics of materials, and stochastics, signal processing, and mechanical systems. The course is presented in a lecture format; Professor Nicholas Patrikalakis and Professor J. Kim Vandiver from the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering are the instructors. Students will study Newton-Euler equations, three-dimensional particles kinematics, work-energy formulation for systems particles and Lagrange's equations for systems of particles and for rigid bodies. The instructors will also review the process of applying dynamics and vibration analysis in the design of ocean and civil engineering structures, including tension leg platforms.
Course Materials
Degree Level | Free | Audio | Video | Downloads |
Undergraduate | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Lectures/Notes | Study Materials | Tests/Quizzes |
No | Yes | No |
The materials for this course include assignments exams and related resources that are available in downloadable PDF files and related resources. If you are interested in taking this course, go to the mechanical engineering course page.
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