Advertising Degree: Career Options for Graduates with a Degree in Advertising
The advertising business requires creative people to write copy or design artwork for ads and communications professionals to help corporations converse with advertising agencies. Savvy advertising researchers must determine which publications or tactics hold the key to reaching the sophisticated consumer audience. Whether you earn an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree in advertising, you can find a career in the marketing industry: read on for more details!
Associate's Degree in Advertising Career Options
For quick entry into advertising careers, earn an associate's degree, like an Associate of Arts in Advertising and Sales Promotion. You could work in advertising sales, convincing clients to place an ad with your newspaper or magazine. You could become a junior copywriter or assistant art designer, creating text and pictures to catch a reader's eye. Advertising associate's degree holders can even be technical writers, creating documentation for new products, or public relations professionals, conveying their companies' messages, explains American River College in Sacramento, California.
Bachelor's Degree in Advertising Career Options
The 4-year bachelor's degree in advertising may be a B.A. in Communications with an Advertising emphasis or a Bachelor of Business Administration in Advertising. You need a bachelor's degree to become an account manager who serves as a liaison between your advertising agency and one client, explains the Advertising Educational Foundation. More advanced positions in copywriting or art design can also be yours. Baccalaureate holders could even go into advertising research. As a market researcher, you'd determine what consumers want to buy and how to show off your company's product. In media planning, you'd determine the best way to convey your message: radio, TV, print publications or the Internet.
Master's Degree in Advertising Career Options
After graduate work in advertising, you might be an account executive in an advertising agency. Your Master of Arts in Advertising could help you become a senior copywriter, art director or media planner, suggests the University of Texas at Austin. You can even lead a team of these advertising professionals to develop awareness or ad campaigns for government agencies, major corporations and more. If an ad agency isn't your target spot, you could head the in-house marketing or advertising division of a corporation. You could also become a marketing research manager.
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UMass Global
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National University
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Purdue Global
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