Naturopathy Degree Information - Doctorate Degree Review

Published Dec 19, 2006

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A degree in Naturopathy will teach you the necessary skills to combine natural medicine with conventional medicine. With a Doctorate degree in Naturopathy, graduates may choose to excel in research, to teach, or to go into a clinical practice.

Summary of the Naturopathy Program

In a Doctorate Degree program for Naturopathy you will enhance your skills in problem solving and expand your knowledge base in preventative medicine. Naturopathy is a philosophical approach to medicine. It helps patients with disease prevention and helps teach patients about the body's natural healing abilities. Naturopathy focuses the treatment on the whole person. A Naturopath's patients take personal responsibility for their own health and choose to live lifestyles that promote good health.

Specific Skills You Will Learn

A Doctorate in Naturopathy will teach you to listen carefully during patient assessments and then communicate the needs of the patient to the patient. You will learn the skills needed to combine nature and medicine, and to assist nature in healing the body and achieving optimal health. You will learn how to teach patients the best way to purify their bodies. Your knowledge will include understanding the best practices of ridding the body of toxins.

Typical Coursework

Though coursework will vary depending on the college you choose, common areas of study in a Naturopathy degree program includes:

  • Reflexology
  • Practitioner Development
  • Therapeutic Bodywork
  • Aromatherapy

Career Related Information

Career Fields You Will Be Prepared to Enter

In choosing to earn a Doctorate degree in Naturopathy you will be entering into a highly rewarding career. A strong sense of commitment will be essential in maintaining a positive natural medical practice. Graduates will build their career on their knowledge of the naturopathic philosophy. As a graduate of a Naturopathy Degree program you will provide advice on diet, relaxation and exercise. You will become completely involved in your patient's lifestyle. In your practice of Naturopathic Medicine you may want to specialize in dietary therapy, stress management or detoxification. You may also choose to specialize in herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture or nutritional therapy.

Occupational Outlook For Naturopathy Including Salary Information

According to, the national annual median wage for Naturopathic Medicine graduates varies from $146,238 to $195,518. Your salary will depend on the size of your practice and on the region in which you are employed. There is great demand for highly-skilled practitioners of naturopathic medicine. According to, the need for skilled healers is not matching the national need.

Featured School Choices:

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  • Purdue Global

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  • Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences

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  • National University

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  • National University of Health Sciences

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  • National College of Natural Medicine

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