Interactive Media Degree: Course Curriculum of an Interactive Media Degree Program

Published Sep 08, 2009

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Are you interested in entering a career on the cutting edge of technology? Do you want to help design games, mobile interfaces and computer programs that will shape the way technology is used in the future? Consider earning a degree in Interactive Media, which can help you gain the skills necessary to be a part of an innovative and growing industry.

Course Curriculum for an Associate Degree in Interactive Media

Because associate degrees take about two years to earn, curricula in these programs are more limited than are those in bachelor's or master's degree programs. Therefore, students earning associate degrees in this field may take fewer Interactive Media classes than students in bachelor's programs. Courses in Interactive Media associate programs focus on teaching computer programming and design skills through classes like web design, introduction to vector graphics and interactive design. Students in Interactive Media associate programs may also be required to take math and information technology courses to supplement the Interactive Media skills taught in core classes.

Course Curriculum for a Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media

The curriculum for a bachelor's degree program in Interactive Media varies depending on the school and the academic division that teaches the Interactive Media program. Consequently, some Interactive Media bachelor's degree curricula focus on technological aspects of the field while others focus on creative aspects. Sample course titles for these programs include introduction to interactive entertainment, programming for interactive media, designing multiplayer environments and basics of game design. Bachelor's degree programs in Interactive Media also help students develop creativity and technical knowledge through courses in areas like computer science, electrical engineering, digital art and math.

Course Curriculum for a Master's Degree in Interactive Media

Curricula for master's-level Interactive Media programs are more advanced than are associate and bachelor's degree programs' curricula. Students in these programs are usually expected to complete an independent master's thesis research project. Courses in Interactive Media master's degree programs explore advanced topics that help students in their research. The courses that an Interactive Media master's student takes are generally influenced by his or her thesis project, making the curricula in these programs more self-directed than those at the undergraduate level. Sample courses in Interactive Media master's degree programs include experiments in interactivity, design for interactive media and interactive production.

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