Structural Integrity OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Engineering Class by The Open University on Structural Integrity

Published Feb 12, 2009

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The Open University offers its 'Structural Integrity' course as free OpenCourseWare. The course looks at designing and evaluating structures for their safety and ability to withstand loads. The original course was designed for mechanical and structural engineering students and materials science and engineering students.

Introduction to Structural Integrity: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Introduction to Structural Integrity: Course Description

The field of structural integrity deals ensuring that designs not only meet operation requirements but that there is also a high measure of safety built into them. Essentially, structural integrity ensures that skyscrapers don't topple down at the slightest breeze or that bridges don't crumble from the weight of cars. The course introduces concepts and principles of structural integrity, which use information from the fields of materials science and mechanical engineering. Specific course topics include galvanic corrosion, degradation, environmental factors, component failure and safe design among other topics. In addition, the course thoroughly examines a case study of the Silver Bridge, which spanned the Ohio river between Ohio and West Virginia. The original course was aimed at mechanical and structural engineering students and materials science and engineering students.

This OpenCourseWare includes lecture notes, course content videos and self-assessment quizzes. If you're interested in taking this free course, visit the integrity of structures course page.

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