Somatosensory and Motor Systems OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Graduate Study Class by MIT on Motor Systems Control

Published Jan 21, 2009

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Explore the inner workings of the body's sensory systems and motor learning in this free OpenCourseWare about motor control and sensory receptors. 'Somatosensory and Motor Systems', offered by MIT, is a graduate-level course that provides instruction in the basic principles of motor systems to those interested in becoming researchers of brain science.

Somatosensory and Motor Systems: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Somatosensory and Motor Systems: Course Description

Taught by top experts in plasticity and motor control, this course examines the processes and means by which intentions of the mind are converted into physical motion. Professors Emilio Bizzi, Mriganka Sur and Ann Graybiel give detailed attention to the various biological components of this process. Studies will focus on the spinal cord, cortical plasticity, basal ganglia and locomotion. 'Somatosensory and Motor Systems' explores the way the brain adapts and responds to signals sent to it. Students accessing the course content through OpenCourseWare will benefit from the reading list and the many links to other resources.

Course materials include a thorough reading list with abstracts of journal articles, as well as a list of links to other online resources. For more information, visit the somatosensory and motor systems course page.

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