Semiconductor Manufacturing OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Course on Semiconductor Fabrication

Published Jan 05, 2009

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Students can take Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Duane Boning's course, 'Semiconductor Manufacturing' free through OpenCourseWare, studying the roles of yield management and modeling, real time control, scheduling and planning in creating and making semiconductors. Students in any graduate degree program in the fields of electrical engineering or computer science will benefit from this course.

Semiconductor Manufacturing: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes No Yes

Semiconductor Manufacturing: Course Description

This course begins with a quick review of statistics, deepening to focus on control charts and nested variance and their applications to semiconductor manufacturing. Experimental design, response surface modeling and regression and yield come next. You'll study advanced process controls used in the manufacturing process. Finally, scheduling, planning and factory design are covered. Students at MIT perform a critical review of a technical article in the field and a final project rather than perfunctory examination. Professor Duane Boning's required readings are not included in the downloadable files. Students will need access to several relevant scientific journal articles and books. Links provided on book titles all point to, but students should be able to get much of the needed material through any college library.

The course includes notes on most lectures, eight assignments, two quizzes and four student final papers and presentations. For more information, visit the semiconductor manufacturing OpenCourseWare home page.

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