Potable Water Treatment OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Undergraduate Course on Water Treatment Processes

Published Feb 04, 2009

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We all know that water is essential for human existence. But what lengths do we go to in order to ensure our water is fit for consumption? The Open University's free course 'Potable Water Treatment' provides undergraduate-level students with an introduction to the water treatment process.

Potable Water Treatment: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Potable Water Treatment: Course Description

The hydrological cycle, natural aquatic environment, water treatment and water supply are discussed in the 'Potable Water Treatment' course materials. Students completing this course will gain an understanding of the characteristics of water and its effects on aquatic organisms. The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how potable water is produced, including the removal of nitrates and trace organics, along with the fluoridation and the desalination processes. The functions of transmission mains, ring mains, service reservoirs and water towers are also covered. An estimated 20 hours are recommended to adequately cover all the course materials.

Online notes, animated illustrations, detailed figures and graphs, self assessment questions with answers and a discussion forum are all provided as part of this OpenCourseWare. For more information, or to download the free materials, visit the water treatment processes course page.

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