Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate International Politics Class Focusing on Contemporary Japan

Published Feb 25, 2009

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'Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan' is OpenCourseWare offered by MIT. The original class was geared toward graduate or third or fourth year undergraduate students taking a degree in political science.

Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan: Course Description

Professor Richard Samuels' foreign policy course examines modern Japanese politics. After introducing a historical account of Japan's politics, the course looks at Japanese politics in terms of electoral, party, interest group and bureaucratic politics.

Samuels then steers the class to examine various policies, including policies on social, foreign, defense, energy, technology, industry and trade issues. The course then goes on to investigate the ways various types of politics influence issues in each of these policy areas. This is a reading-intensive lecture course with additional readings for graduate students and separate assignments for undergraduates and graduates.

Materials for the class include a detailed reading list and essay assignments. To learn more about Japanese politics, visit the politics and policy course page.

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