Neuroscience OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Introductory Neuroscience Course by MIT

Published Feb 05, 2009

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For students entering the field of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, this undergraduate course is an introduction to Neuroscience, the study of nerve cells and nervous systems in mammals (including humans). The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) presents this Bachelor of Science class through OpenCourseWare to undergraduate students interested in learning through self-study.

Introduction to Neuroscience: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Introduction to Neuroscience: Course Description

This class was intended to help students gain basic knowledge about what it means to study nerve cells and nervous systems in mammals. It introduces the structures of the nervous system that include the brain and the spinal cord. Students learn how information is passed along between nerve cells and how certain drugs can hinder that process. Other topics of study include how movements are controlled, what causes brain diseases, what causes sleep and how mammals learn. From the creation of tiny nerve cells to the storage of complex memories, students follow the organizational patterns in the brain and learn what it means to be a neuroscientist. 'Introduction to Neuroscience' was taught by MIT professors Mark Bear and Sebastian Seung and five guest lecturers.

This Neuroscience course includes suggested reading from the text, lecture notes, three writing assignments with information on how to write a scientific paper, two exams with solutions and other resources. If you are interested in 'Introduction to Neuroscience' or other classes in the field of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, consider this neuroscience, learning and memory course page.

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