International Studies (Economic Theory) OpenCourseWare: UC Berkeley's Free Bachelor Level International Economics Class

Published Feb 10, 2009

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'International Studies: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory' is a free undergraduate OpenCourseWare offered by UC Berkeley that provides students with a broad view of world economies. The course is intended to help students understand the similarities and differences between the economies of the world's nations and how they developed from a historical perspective. This course is intended for Economics majors, business professionals and those who wish to learn more about international economics.

International Studies Intermediate Microeconomic Theory: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes No No

International Studies: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory: Course Description

This OpenCourseWare is an undergraduate course from UC Berkeley that presents an overview of world economies their development. This can be a useful ancillary course for business professionals and economics students. This course consists of 24 audio lectures. The subject matter ranges from global industrialization to the rise of capitalism and empires and discussions on the growth of cities. The course also discusses current world economies. Banking and the securities industry and their interactions in world economies are also discussed. Maximilian Auffhammer teaches this course and recommends a series of books including Escape from Empires, by Allison Anson, Brief History of Neoliberalism, by David Harvey, Territory of Profits, by Gary Fields and Bad Money, by Kevin Phillips.

The only course materials available are 24 downloadable audio lectures.

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