Elementary School Principal: Average Salary of an Elementary School Principal

Published Aug 28, 2009

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Are you an effective manager who is interested in overseeing the day-to-day operation of an organization? Do you enjoy working with children and have an interest in the education of elementary-aged kids? If so, you may want to work as an Elementary School Principal, a school administrator responsible for overseeing an elementary school.

Elementary School Principal Career Summary

Elementary School Principals are school administrators who are responsible for managing various aspects of their schools as well as interacting with parents, communities and government officials like superintendents. Regular tasks for Elementary School Principals include disciplining students, hiring teachers and setting long-term educational and economic goals for their school.

Many Elementary School Principals begin their careers as teachers. In order to move into administration, many earn a master's in educational leadership or education administration, while others have doctorates. Some take interim positions as assistant principals, subject advisors or curriculum specialists before becoming principals. It is not necessary for Elementary School Principals to start their careers as teachers as some may have experience in other industries like business and government. Nearly all states required that Elementary School Principals obtain licensure as a school administrator. This may involve obtaining graduate-level training (i.e. a master's degree), passing a test, training on-the-job with a supervisor and earning continuing education credits (to maintain licensure).

Elementary School Principal Career Outlook and Salary Information

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), www.bls.gov, Elementary School Principals should have excellent job prospects due to reduced competition for open positions. Employment opportunities for Elementary School Principals vary by region, with BLS indicating that areas with the fastest population growth will afford school administrators the best employment outlook. BLS states that the national average annual salary for Elementary School Principals in 2008 was $86,107. Elementary School Principals may eventually move on to other administrative positions in education like school superintendent and school board member. According to O*Net (www.onetcenter.org), an Elementary School Principal's educational background can have an impact on his or her career path.

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