Electrical Engineering (Microelectronic Circuits) OpenCourseWare: UC Berkeley's Free Bachelor Level Engineering Class on Microelectric Circuits

Published Feb 13, 2009

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Learn the fundamentals of circuitry concepts and techniques for analysis in this OpenCourseWare from UC Berkeley. 'Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits' focuses on the principles of digital electronic circuits, including current, voltage, binary logic and inversion. This undergraduate-level course is intended for students interested in studying Electrical Engineering or related fields.

Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits: Course Description

This course is presented as a series of lectures that provide students with a basic understanding of circuitry concepts and techniques used in electrical analysis. Students should expect a broad overview of microelectronic circuits and the laws and methods used for their analysis, including Kirchoff's laws. Students can transfer the fundamental concepts learned in this course into practical applications involving a variety of electromechanical devices. Some specific topics discussed in this course include resistive circuits, operational amplifiers, diode circuits, semiconductors and many more. UC Berkeley Professor Constance Chang-Hasnain teaches 'Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits,' an undergraduate-level OpenCourseWare.

Audio and video files for the lectures are included in this course for free online. To learn more, visit the microelectronic engineering for electrical circuits course page.

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