Digital Mock-Up Workshop Information: MIT's Graduate Level Free Online Course on the Study of Digital Fabrication

Published Jan 06, 2009

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Expand your knowledge of computer modeling and construction in this free OpenCourseWare about digital fabrication. Offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 'Digital Mock-up Workshop' presents an in-depth study in mock-up and prototype development for larger designs. This architecture course is recommended for those who have a graduate-level knowledge of CAD CAM machinery and rapid prototyping.

Digital Mock-up Workshop: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Digital Mock-up Workshop: Course Description

Design fabricators need to know how to solve architectural design, construction and assembly problems. This free OpenCourseWare, offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Architecture Department and taught by Professor Lawrence Sass, focuses on the applications and processes that are fundamental to the four stages of design. It is structured to include projects ranging from small furniture to larger single-space designs not exceeding 200 square feet. You will be walked through the four stages of design (which include schematic design, programming of design, development of design and documenting construction) while using sophisticated modeling and fabrication tools. Through a series of assignments, students will gain knowledge in shape and fabric, structure and strength, and construction systems. Students will need to use CAD software, rapid prototyping devices and additional tools to aid in their learning.

This 'Digital Mock-Up Workshop' OpenCourseWare includes lecture notes, assignment information and study materials that are available online for free. If you're interested in taking this course, visit the digital design fabrication course page.