Cross-Culture Leadership OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Study Class on Cross-Cultural Leadership

Published Feb 02, 2009

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As businesses continue to become more international in their dealings, leaders need to become skilled at dealing with people of diverse cultures. Master of Business Administration students and others who do business across cultures may find MIT's OpenCourseWare 'Cross-Cultural Leadership' useful.

Cross-Cultural Leadership: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Cross-Cultural Leadership: Course Description

This graduate-level course is taught by Pat Bentley, Senior Lecturer at the Sloan School of Management, as a collaborative (students contribute content) seminar. Student teams research an area of cultural difference (based on assigned readings) in order to determine how it would affect leadership. Teams present the result of their research in class. Seminar topics include cultural styles and social dimensions. Readings focus on cross-cultural business, management and leadership. The course concludes with discussions of what makes leaders effective in multiple cultures.

The OpenCourseWare version includes extensive and useful lecture notes and assignment descriptions for all classes. To take this free course on leading businesses that span two or more distinct cultures, go to the 'Cross-Cultural Leadership' course page.

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