Compressible Flow OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Study Fluid Dynamics Course by MIT

Published Jan 13, 2009

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Students should consider the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) free OpenCourseWare aeronautics and astronautics class 'Compressible Flow' to study the nature of compressible flows. This course is a graduate level course meant for Engineering students who already have a basic knowledge of fluid dynamics.

Compressible Flow: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes Yes

Compressible Flow: Course Description

The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT in Cambridge, MA, offers OpenCourseWare covering compressible flows. Compressible flows are flows in which the density of the fluid, for example air, can change in time and space. Examples of such flows include the flow of air around an airplane in flight or the high-speed flow of gas through a nozzle. Students learn how these flows can exhibit shocks or rapid changes of the fluid dynamical quantities over short distances. The course focuses on understanding the fundamental theory of compressible flows, including their basic equations and thermodynamics and analysis of shocks and other flow discontinuities due to compressibility. By the end of the course, students can quantitatively analyze compressible flows. Engineering professor Dr. Wesley Harris teaches this course.

This OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, required reading list, assignments, exams and a comprehensive download of the course material. Those interested in this free course should visit the Compressible Flow course page.

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