Applied Economics for Managers OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Microeconomics Course

Published Jan 31, 2009

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'Applied Economics for Managers' is a free graduate-level OpenCourseWare offered by MIT that emphasizes microeconomics, but touches on macroeconomics and some international trade issues. Business managers, economists and students earning a master's degree in Business should consider taking this course.

Applied Economics for Managers: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Applied Economics for Managers: Course Details

This OpenCourseWare combines economic theory with a study of the corporate decision-making process. The course addresses assessing changing attitudes in U.S. and international business conditions. The objective of this course is to provide business managers and graduate students with a well-rounded understanding of microeconomics, macroeconomics and international trade issues. The course consists of 20 lectures that describe the basics of supply and demand and how these forces can be described quantitatively. Professor Daniel Richards of the Sloan School of Management teaches the course.

Extensive lecture notes are available online, as well as the final exam and homework assignments. If you're interested in taking this free graduate management course, visit the applied economics for managers course page.