Algorithms OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Online Undergraduate Course on Algorithm Design and Analysis

Published Feb 22, 2009

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'Introduction to Algorithms' is an OpenCourseWare offered by MIT. It is concerned with training students on the basic methods for modeling and analyzing algorithms. The information taught in this undergraduate-level course is geared towards students interested in Engineering, Mathematics or Computer Science.

Introduction to Algorithms: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Introduction to Algorithms: Course Description

Computer algorithms are the basic techniques or step-by-step instructions that guide computers through the completion of a task. 'Introduction to Algorithms' is a free OpenCourseWare provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is taught in series of lectures given by Professors Erik Demaine and Charles Leiserson of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The course focuses on methods for designing and evaluating efficient and effective algorithms. A solid background in a programming language and discrete mathematics and probability will help students to get the most out of the course. Students will develop their mastery of algorithms by examining a variety of topics, such as sorting, search trees, heaps and hashing, divide and conquer and dynamic programming.

The course materials for 'Introduction to Algorithms' include lecture notes that are available in video, audio, html and PDF formats. Downloadable assignments and exams and a comprehensive bibliography are also available. If you would like to take advantage of this OpenCourseWare, visit the introduction to algorithms course page.

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