Understanding Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care OpenCourseWare: Johns Hopkins University's Undergraduate Level Free Online Course

Published Jan 15, 2009

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Johns Hopkins University's 'Understanding Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care' is now available to interested students as OpenCourseWare. Offered by the Health Policy and Management Department, students learn how to review, comprehend and read papers on cost-effectiveness in the field of health care.

Understanding Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Understanding Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care: Course Description

Associate Professor Kevin Frick offers his take on cost analysis in the free course 'Understanding Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care'. The course is part of the Department of Health Policy and Management's curriculum. The focus of the course is to understand, read and review cost-effectiveness evaluations. Other topics include how to calculate one year and multi-year costs for health care and basic concepts of economics. Understanding the recommendations made by the U. S. Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine plays a large role in the course. The course is a series of lectures, but also includes practical exercises and online discussion sessions.

Materials offered through the course include lecture notes, reading and assignments. If you would like to learn more, visit the health care cost-effectiveness analysis course page.

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