Programming Using Python OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Introductory Programming Course by MIT

Published Jan 31, 2009

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Python is an object-oriented programming language that has quickly become popular in software development. 'A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python Programming Using Python' is an OpenCourseWare offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This course offers an introduction to Python and is intended for students who possess little or no programming skills. Any undergraduate student, even those pursuing non-technical bachelor's degrees will benefit from this course.

A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python: Course Description

'A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python' is a free course that is taught by Mihir Kedia and Aseem Kishore who are instructors in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Many computer programmers gravitate to Python because it's easier to learn and code than other languages. It also has a strong support system and easily assimilates with other computer programming languages. This course not only concentrates on the planning and organizing of the Python programming language, but also on the syntax. Students are introduced to the fundamental tools for mastering Python programming, including variables, operators, functions, conditionals and loops. Other lectures cover additional topics, including list basics, objects and references the concept of mutability, advanced loops and branching and repetition. Students will write several practice programs to reinforce the topics taught in the lectures.

The materials for this course include lecture notes, assignments, projects and a reading list hat contains links to the required readings. If you would like to take this course, go to the introduction to Python course page.

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