Mechanics of Fluids OpenCourseWare: An Online Graduate Level Free Course by MIT on the Study of Fluid and Continuum Mechanics

Published Jan 29, 2009

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) course - 'Mechanics of Fluids' - is an elective course for the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Practice program. The course covers advanced topics in continuum and fluid mechanics. MIT offers materials from this course online as part of its OpenCourseWare program.

Mechanics of Fluids: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Mechanics of Fluids: Course Description

This MIT course looks at the subjects of continuum and fluid mechanics at an advanced level. The content of the course includes theory of linear stability, approximation of the boundary layer, lubrication approximation, creeping flows, stress tensors, angular and linear momentum macroscopic balances and kinematics. Students in the original course watched films titled Vorticity, Deformation Continuous, Waves in Fluids, Low Reynolds Number Flows, Surface Tension in Fluid Mechanics and Flow Instabilities. The course was taught by Professor Kenneth Smith through lectures. It is part of a graduate program in the Department of Chemical Engineering.

The OpenCourseWare version of this class includes downloadable problem sets, a recommended text and a list of the videos used in conjunction with the lectures. To investigate this course further, visit the fluids mechanics course page.

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