Mechanical Engineering (Boat Design) OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Boat Design Class by MIT

Published Feb 02, 2009

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Students earning a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering can learn the fundamentals of traditional boat design through the OpenCourseWare materials from 'Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design.' The course materials are made available by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Mechanical Engineering and provide insight into the process of building a model boat to test a vessel's design.

Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design: Course Description

Originally offered as a specials topics course during MIT's Independent Activities Period, 'The Art and Science of Boat Design' takes students through the process of vessel design and model construction. The OpenCourseWare version of the course provides video lectures from the five-day workshop. These lectures, presented by industry professionals Antonio Dias and Reuben Smith, give an inside look at the MIT Museum Nautical Collections and provide demonstrations of boat design and model construction. The extensive image gallery shows models created by students from earlier semesters. This undergraduate-level course is intended for engineering students earning bachelor's degrees in Mechanical Engineering or who are interested in boat design.

A list of suggested readings, video lectures and an image gallery of previous students' work are included in the course materials. To learn more or to download course materials, visit the boat design course page.

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