Law and Sciences OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Course on the Study of Law in Society

Published Feb 04, 2009

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Offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the 'Law and Society' OpenCourseWare explores the rule of law in social systems and culture. This free self-study course may interest students pursuing an education in Anthropology or political science.

Law and Society: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Law and Society: Course Description

Modern societies are both defined and interconnected by the omnipresence of law. The 'Law and Society' course, which was taught by Professor Susan Silbey on the MIT campus, seeks to identify law as both a common social institution and fixture of popular culture. Professor Silbey provides her lecture notes online, allowing OpenCourseWare students to examine the roles of law, the organization of legal systems and the interrelation of law and social change. The lectures and readings are designed to instill students with a new outlook on law, presenting it as both a collective set of aspirations and a practical resource. Students study the concepts of legality and learn to recognize the roles of various constituents within the legal system, including lawyers, judges, plaintiffs and defendants. 'Law and Society' is offered through MIT's Anthropology department.

Lecture notes, a reading list, film recommendations, essay topics and study materials are available for this OpenCourseWare. To access this free online course, visit the law and society course page.

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