Innovation in Military Organizations OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Graduate Study Class by MIT on Military Innovation

Published Feb 20, 2009

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What are the conditions that prompt invention within military organizations? In this free OpenCourseWare offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), learn about military innovations through historical cases and organization theories. The original graduate-level course was designed as an elective for students seeking their Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science or Master of Science in Political Science.

Innovation in Military Organizations: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Innovation in Military Organizations: Course Description

The original 'Innovation in Military Organizations' course looked at military advancements in technology and the circumstances that have led to those advancements. Historical cases as well as organization theories were examined as a way to consider what prompts these developments. In addition to developments, the course explored how these innovations have affected change in strategies, force structures and principles within military organizations. While the literature on this subject is not wholly developed, students who took the seminar course were encouraged to freely explore topics and utilize the information gathered for writing research papers. Professors Barry Posen and Harvey Sapolsky taught the course. MIT offered the course as an elective in its Master of Science in Political Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science degree programs.

This free OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, assignment suggestions and a detailed reading list. If you're interested in taking 'Innovation in Military Organizations', visit the military innovation course page.

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