Ethnic Politics I OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Class on Ethnic Politics

Published Feb 09, 2009

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) 'Ethnic Politics I' offers a general overview of theories relating to politics and ethnicity and the influences the two have on each other. This free OpenCourseWare is the first of a two-part series. Students studying graduate-level Political Science may find this course useful.

Ethnic Politics I: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Ethnic Politics I: Course Description

Developed by Professor Roger Petersen, this free OpenCourseWare is the first in a series of two courses about the relationship between politics and ethnicity. The OpenCourseWare covers a broad spectrum of theories and topics, including modernization, entrepreneurship and stigma and prejudice. Broken up into three sections, the first section begin by looking at theory and how ethnic groups are constructed and their limits. Section two shifts to the influences that affect ethnic identity development and how these influences affect motivation. Lastly, section three looks at economic or political conditions and the role ethnicity plays in influencing them.. 'Ethnic Politics I' was originally offered through the Political Science Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

'Ethnic Politics I' OpenCourseWare includes a calendar, assignment suggestions and a detailed reading list. To get started on this interesting course, please visit the politics and ethnicity course page.

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