Design for the Theater (Scenery) OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Theater Scenery Design Course by MIT

Published Feb 09, 2009

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A lot of thought goes into the design of scenery for any theater production. In 'Design for the Theater: Scenery,' MIT students learn what it takes to build scenery that stirs the imagination and sets the tone for a stage production. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers this Bachelor of Science in Media Arts and Sciences class through OpenCourseWare.

Design for the Theater (Scenery): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Design for the Theater (Scenery): Course Description

Scenery design is an important part of any theater production. It sets the tone. It sets the mood. It establishes space and time. And it helps the performers connect with their audience. In this design class, students examined several scripts and put them into historical context. What was happening in politics at the time? What was society like and what were the social pressures that the characters may have encountered? Through the use of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional scale models, students in this MIT course were asked to experiment. Since there is no right or wrong way to design sets, students could explore new ideas and then learn to communicate their vision for the script. This class was taught by MIT Professor William Fregosi as part of a Bachelor of Science in Media Arts and Sciences.

This class includes reading materials, a project list, a list of theater production resources and an image gallery of student work. If you have an interest in this Theater Arts course material, please visit this scenery design course page.

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