Beautician: Education and Job Training Requirements for Becoming a Beautician

Published Sep 09, 2009

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A Beautician, more commonly called a cosmetologist, is an expert in personal appearance treatments, like facials and hair removal, as well as hairstyling and make-up application. Education and training requirements for becoming a Beautician vary by employer, but generally include a minimum of a certificate or associate's degree in cosmetology.

Beautician Career Summary

Beauticians, also called cosmetologists, perform beauty treatments in salon or spa settings. They may be trained in a variety of treatments, including nail care, facials and hair removal. Many Beauticians also apply make-up, and some cut, color and style hair. While some Beauticians specialize in one area or another, others provide a variety of services.

Many Beauticians are self-employed, renting space in a salon or spa or even opening their own establishments. Beauticians also generally have flexible and/or non-traditional schedules. If you're considering a career as a Beautician or cosmetologist, you should expect to work weekends.

Education Required to Become a Beautician

Beauticians generally need a professional certificate or associate's degree in cosmetology. Beauty school typically takes a minimum of nine months to complete, and most Beauticians participate in continuing education opportunities throughout their careers to stay current in their craft.

Subjects studied in a cosmetology program usually include hair and scalp care, nail design and customer relations. Additionally, cosmetology programs offer students ample opportunities to practice skills learned in class.

Job Training and Licensure Required to Become a Beautician

Many spas and salons, particularly high-end establishments, start new hires off in apprenticeships or similar training programs. By working under more experienced professionals, Beauticians learn important skills and techniques before being cleared to work independently. After completing initial training, most Beauticians continue to take part in training exercises through their place of employment, beauty conventions and expos, in order to learn new styles and trends.

Beauticians also must earn licensure from their state board of cosmetology. Qualifications vary by state but typically include at least 1,500 hours of training as an apprentice. Some states also have minimum education or age requirements. For example, in Arizona, aspiring cosmetologists must have completed at least two years of high school or the equivalent or be 23 years of age or older.

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