Applied Statistics OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Applied Statistics Course for Business Management

Published Jan 31, 2009

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'Applied Statistics' introduces the fundamentals of statistics, data gathering and computational analysis. This free OpenCourseWare is based on a mathematics course included with the MIT Sloan School of Management's bachelor's degree program in business management. It is suitable for math and data analysis students regardless of interest in business applications.

Applied Statistics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Applied Statistics: Course Description

'Applied Statistics' begins with the basic terminology of statistical analysis, with lectures detailing methods of data gathering, as well as the potential statistical biases that improper data collection can present to skew final results. Lectures introduce different analytical techniques, with recitation problems providing students with opportunity practice applying the techniques to data sets. Concentration is on analytical techniques most useful for business and management applications, including inference, regressions, variance and methods without parameters. The difficulty level of the techniques quickly progresses to the point that pen and paper is insufficient, and computational analysis is introduced. Some homework and lecture problems require S-Plus or other statistical analysis software, not included in the OpenCourseWare package. Links and download instructions are provided. While the course presumes no prior knowledge of statistics, previous knowledge of calculus, probability and linear algebra is helpful. MIT Sloan professor Elizabeth Newton taught this lecture and recitation course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of the bachelor's degree program in management science, and the course is also part of MIT's dual bachelor's degree program in business management and economics

This OpenCourseWare includes textbook and supplementary reading recommendations, lecture slides, homework problems, review questions with solutions and exams. If you are interested in 'Applied Statistics,' download course materials at the business mathematics course page.

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